Cat Foster Application
Contact Information








































Our policy is to adopt cats and kittens to indoor only homes and we do not endorse DECLAWING. Whether you find an adopter or other volunteers with Everett Animal Welfare Group find the potential adopter, the interested party has to complete an application that has to be reviewed and approved or denied by either Cindra Anderson or Kimberley Jumper. We allow at least 72 hours to review and reply back to the applicant and each applicant must be willing to sign a contract that they will keep the cat(s) or kitten(s) indoors only and not DECLAW the cat(s) or kitten(s).


Thank you for filling out a Cat Foster Application! Once the application is processed and we review the answers to our questions, we will contact you to arrange a meeting. Please know that we will contact you as soon as possible about your application. Because we are an all-volunteer organization, we ask you to bear with us. Events in our lives (work, family) may cause a delay in our getting back to you or arranging our meeting.

Thank you for submitting an
application to become a foster!

We will be in touch!
